Over 6,500 ft2 of vintage and industrial furniture showroom, part of an interior design project made by the interior decorators at Francisco Segarra.


An extensive furniture online catalogue for interior decorations in commercial facilities, hostelry industries and offices where you can buy furniture online. As you can see our theme in our offices takes us to… Coney island.


A mainland situated at the end of the Brooklyn neighbourhood, in New York; where the middle classes arrived attracted by the rides, the beaches, the fair and the fast food stands , this is where they moved and stayed , today they keep their peculiar character.


After the Second World War the decay of the place started . Families with more acquisitive power could afford vehicles to go to other places. The downfall of the place only left us more fascinated.

The dreamlike universe that surrounds the offices of Francisco Segarra revolves around this decaying theme park, a puppet theatre, and old entrance gate, a carousel, a merchandise wagon a ferris wheel and a scenography of a cage with beasts and vegetation.


A restored travel trailer with art noveau stamps over brown leather cushion, with a fascinating Tim Burton theme style.


A carrousel that takes us back to a nostalgic childhood, a trip in time, inspired in Parisians references where the seats are at the same time small horses.


A section of a Ferris wheel , with an industrial finish where the cabins where replaced by restored seats. The entrance was made using restored gates that welcomes us in a world of fantasy and directs us to a cage where gadgets, vegetation and wild beast coexist.

The main hallway represents a hotel entrance, it links a totally different concept: FSHOTEL , a blast to the past that transport us to an elegant hotel; a classic lift , the doors are inspired by safe vaults, baggage carts and a bathroom with a hotel reception desk also with hotel themed signs on the roof made with plaster.


Fragmented plaster, restored gates , inscriptions on the walls and torn posters, illustrations over the wall, ceramic tiles floor, riveted leather, old theme park rubrics… all mixed with a fun arrange of fun colours.


Without a doubt the journey offers the spectator a dreamlike landscape hard to describe.


If you wish to visit our showroom don’t forget to make an appointment filling up this form.